Museum Group Show Switzerland
Doctors and Artists assembled
29.08. - 22.09.2024 „Neue Wege“ Group Art Show
Birsfelder Museum, Schulstrasse 29, Birsfelden

Kunstausstellung der Schweizer Ärzte
13. Juli bis 3. August 2024
Rathauskeller in Murten

Opole Solo Show 2023, Poland
Vernissage and exhibition

27.12.2023 Solo Ausstellung i
ul. Grunwaldzka 19/2 Opole, Polska
Ämtler Kunst 2023
Local art competition

10. - 13.11.2023 Ämtler Kunst
Kasinosaal, Marktplatz 1, Affoltern am Albis
Ausstellung - Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft des Bezirks Affoltern (
Solo Show Affoltern 2023
Vernissage and exhibition

In May 2023 I held my first solo show in Affoltern am Albis. I was very pleased that numerous interested parties, collectors and friends showed up and that the majority of the pictures on display were sold. Special thanks also go to the team at the Galerie am Märtplatz, who actively supported me.
art3f 2022
International contemporary art fair

I was delighted to be able to show some of my new work at art3f in Mulhouse.
Together with my colleagues we formed a great team at the largest art fair in France.
I was particularly happy about three paintings sold, another order and a lot of positive feedback as well as interesting conversations.
The fair is a great opportunity to get in touch with artists and art fans from all over Europe.
KKLB 2021
Art from the KKLB for the Lucerne Canton Hospital
The exhibition of a selection of my works of art begin in December 2021 at the Lucerne Cantonal Hospital.​
Together with Silas Kreienbühl and his team, we show and sell works of art there in an exhibition.​
They are to find on the first floor, left to the main lift in the main building.

Ehriker Beck 2021
Delicious food garnished with art
Together with my good friend Adriano Cuencas, I set up a show in a cafe in beautiful Russikon.
I was very surprised how well my pictures fit into the cozy ambience of the bakery, cafe and garden.
We were particularly pleased with the sale of the large painting "Sunny path in the wood" which will beautify a doctor's practice in the future.

Ämtler Kunst 2020
Great sales and inspiration

My artist colleages and I are happy and greateful that we get a chance to show our artworks to interested people around Zurich this year.
After having plenty of very nice conversations with people about art, inspiration and life my golden painting Portofino in the evening was sold to an art collector from Schwyz.
Furthermore I also got to see some more great artwork from my colleagues here. On the right you can see an impressing sculpture made by Christof Suter which was my favorite piece there.